Friday, April 17, 2009


Marriage. It's a sacred thing. It's rewarding. It's desired by most. Yet it's the hardest thing to maintain a HEALTHY functioning marriage. This is a topic I'm deeply passionate about. It's not about just remaining married... it's that our marriages stay happy, healthy, safe and moving towards Christ together. God didn't just intend for us to live under the same roof unsatisfied and not divorced. He intended for our union to be a reflection of how Christ loved the church... and remember? He gave His life for the church. Wow. What a standard.

Many people would admit their marriages could use a little pick me up. Re-Engage is a place where you can get just that. It's also a place where if you are having significant problems you would find a safe place to process and begin healing your marriage. Seriously, it's incredible. I've seen and heard of amazing restoration at this class.

So if this is you. Check it out. It's an ongoing class. Always accepting new attendees. Here's a link and more about it...

REENGAGE is designed to help couples move towards oneness in their marriage through stories of grace, teaching and small groups. Sessions will cover topics such as forgiveness, communication, roles, etc. Join us Wednesday nights from 6:30 -8:30 pm on the second floor of the Watermark Tower (7540 LBJ Freeway @ Park Central, Dallas. Email questions to Emily McKeaigg.

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