This Mommy believes that all mommies need some time to themselves. For me, it's Tuesdays from 9am-2pm when my son, Parker, goes to Mother's Day Out at the Heights Baptist Church. On these days, I can go workout without having to tote Parker around, run
multiple errands, have a lunch date without my attention being diverted by my sweet boy or get some cleaning done at the house. The key is... I get to go what
I want to do. I usually wouldn't encourage selfishness, but Motherhood is a 24-7 unpaid job. Now the rewards are limitless, but the pay is not-so-much. So Mom's need a day off here and there too.
On these days, I ALWAYS spend some extended time reading my bible, praying, journaling, blogging, catching up via email with friends. All of this usually occurs while sitting at a coffee shop with a skinny vanilla latte, my iPod and my laptop. So, today, I was doing just this and the idea for MommyCritic came to me. I received another email about a friend's friend who has started her own business. As always, I click the link. Her stuff was amazing! There goes my thoughts, spiraling out of control. I love supporting the self-employed. I love telling others when I experience exceptional service. When I spend money on something that far exceeds my expectations, I have to tell others. I appreciate the small businesses. Why don't I collorate all these websites and share with others? How could I do that? And thus... MommyCritic was created.
Naturally, since MommyCritic came while my son was in Mother's Day Out, I thought my first post would be about the
Child Development Center program at The Heights Baptist Church.
My experience at the CDC has been nothing but positive. I enrolled my son shortly after he was born because I was going back to work part time. I received several referalls from friends, toured the facility and read through the entire website. SOLD! I have yet to regret my decision. This place provides exceptional service and a quality product and here's why:
- I regularly bring home some craft that Parker has "made." Need I remind you that he is only 9 months old.
- They have a lesson plan even for his age that includes memory verses, age appropriate activties, nature walks, going to music class and more.
- His teachers authentically love him. He can't wait to see them every day.
- They are incredibly organized.
- Each staff person I have encountered has treated me with the utmost kindness.
- The staff seem to enjoy what they do... something that is important to me if they are taking care of my baby!
- When I was breastfeeding and sending pumped breastmilk, they handled it was care... like it was gold. (It was!)
- They enouraged the routine I set out for Parker.
- The cost is reasonable.
- They teach Biblical principles at even the youngest ages.
So, if you are in the process of finding a Mother's Day Out of Pre-school program, I highly recommend this one.